- 2.2.1 Motion offence - 3 out, 2 in - screen the screener
- 2.2.2 Motion Offence - 3 Out 2 In – multiple screens for the shooter
- 2.2.3 Motion offence - 3 out, 2 In - Double Screens
- 2.2.4 Motion offence - 3 Out, 2 In - Blind (Back) Screens
- 2.2.5 Motion offence - 3 Out, 2 In - Pick and Roll with Triangle on Help Side
- 2.2.6 Motion offence - 3 out, 2 in - cuts off high post screen
- 2.2.7 Motion offence - 3 out, 2 in - 1v1 isolation
- 2.2.8 Shot selection - importance of the corner 3
- Follow-up
- 3.2.1 Characteristics of long tournament play
- 3.2.2 Long tournaments - selecting the team
- 3.2.3 Long tournaments - preparing the team prior to tournament
- 3.2.4 Long tournaments - scouting
- 3.2.5 Long tournaments - keeping players fresh
- 3.2.6 Long tournaments - coaching staff
- 3.2.7 Long tournaments - organising the off-court
- Follow-up
Level 3
2.3.1 On ball screens – “pistol”
“Pistol” is simply where the ball is passed to the wing and then the player follows their pass to receive the ball back. An on ball screen is then set.
5 moves to screen 3, who cuts to the top. A pass to 3 may create an open shot or an opportunity to penetrate into the key.