Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
How do you become a WABC Member?

A coach who wants to become a WABC member must first contact their National Federation.
If they meets all the requirements of their National Federation, the National Federation shall submit to FIBA all required documents and information in accordance with the FIBA Internal regulations - Book 3.

An administrative fee will have to be paid by the National Federation as stipulated in the FIBA Internal regulations -Book 3, for each new WABC member from the National Federation. The National Federation may require the individual coach to pay this fee.

The WABC may reject an application if the coach is not in good standing, in particular if they have a criminal record, or do not have a good reputation.

When do you receive your WABC Member Card?

After a coach is registered with the WABC their WABC Membership card will be sent to the National Federation that registered them. A coach should allow at least one month to receive the card and if they have any concerns should contact their National Federation to follow-up.

Will the WABC Coaches Manual be translated?

Yes. The WABC Coaches Manual will be translated into French, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and Arabic in the coming months. Additional translations may be added in the future.
