- 2.4.1. Techniques de dribble avancées - dribble de renversement
- 2.4.2. Techniques de dribble avancées - snake dribble
- 2.4.3. Techniques de dribble avancées - dribble en throw down
- (English) 2.4.4 Advanced dribbling - step back move (off the dribble)
- 2.4.5. Techniques de dribble avancées - dribble horizontal
- 2.4.6. Techniques de dribble avancées - dribble poussé
- Approfondir
- 2.5.1. Techniques de lay-up avancées
- 2.5.2. Lay-up inversé
- 2.5.3. Techniques de tir avancées - jeu de jambes pour le tir
- 2.5.4. Techniques de tir avancées - tir intérieur
- 2.5.5. Correction de la technique de tir - tir plat
- 2.5.6. Correction de la technique de tir - tir décentré
- 2.5.7. Correction de la technique de tir - effet latéral
- 2.5.8. Correction de la technique de tir - tir trop court
- Approfondir
- 3.1.1. Préparation physique des joueurs de basketball
- 3.1.2 Préparation physique des joueurs - Échauffement avant l’entraînement
- 3.1.3 Préparation physique des joueurs - Échauffement d’avant-match
- 3.1.4. Préparation physique des joueurs - Musculation de force
- 3.1.5. Préparation physique des joueurs - Musculation de puissance
- 3.1.6. Préparation physique des joueurs - Conditionnement
- 3.1.7. Préparation physique des joueurs - Souplesse
- 3.1.8. Préparation physique des joueurs - Programme de musculation de force de base
- 3.1.9. Préparation élémentaire hors saison
- 3.2.1. Considérations nutritionnelles pour les athlètes
- 3.2.2. Besoins nutritionnels pour une bonne santé et le bien-être
- 3.2.3. Stratégies d’hydratation et d’alimentation
- 3.2.4. Prise en compte des particularités physiques
- 3.2.5. Optimiser la performance en compétition
- (English) 3.2.6 Basic sport foods and supplements
- (English) 3.3.1 Physical recovery techniques - overview
- (English) 3.3.2 Physical recovery techniques - active recovery
- (English) 3.3.3. Compression Clothing
- (English) 3.3.4. Physical recovery techniques - hydro therapy
- (English) 3.3.5. Physical recovery techniques - massage
- (English) 3.3.6. Physical recovery techniques - sleep
- (English) 3.3.7. Physical recovery techniques - stretching
- (English) 3.3.8 Physical recovery techniques - practical applications
- 2.1.1. Attaque en continuité – 5 en extérieur – pénétration en dribble – passe main à main
- (English) 2.1.2 Receivers Principles with Post Players
- 2.1.3. Attaque en continuité avec poste – 4 en extérieur, 1 en intérieur
- 2.1.4. Coupes en « post-up »
- (English) 2.1.5 Developing Decision Making - Putting Perimeter and Post Together
- 2.1.6. Création d’opportunités de marquer avec une seconde passe
- 2.1.7. Éloignement du défenseur en aide de sa position d’aide
- Approfondir
Niveau 2
3.2.5. Optimiser la performance en compétition
(English) Dehydration and fuel depletion are potential factors of reduced performance, and even if these do not occur over the course of a single game, they may accumulate over a road trip or tournament scenario where the player has not achieved full recovery from one match before the next tip-off.
Eating strategies before, during and after/ between games should try to address the potential causes of fatigue, reducing their impact or delaying their onset.
Pre-game meal
A carbohydrate-rich meal is encouraged for the pre-game menu, particularly to allow players who have lots of court time to top up muscle stores of this important fuel. It is generally recommended to consume this meal 2-4 hours before the start of the game, from a selection of foods that are familiar and known to be well tolerated.
Foods that are hard to digest or likely to cause gut distress (e.g. rich or spicy foods, foods high in fats or fibre) should be avoided. Typical choices according to the time of day are suggested in the checklist but can be altered according to the preference and experience of each player.
Some players also like to consume a light snack even closer to game time, and fluids consumed during this period can ensure that good hydration levels are achieved for the game. Scenarios which provide the opportunity for a team pre-game meal can be used to ensure that all players achieve their nutrition goals as well as to commence other aspects of match preparation.
Examples of pre-game meal options (eaten 2-4 hours prior)
- Crumpets/crumpets with honey
- Cereal with low fat milk
- Pasta with light sauces
- Fruit yoghurt with untoasted muesli
- Baked potato or starchy vegetables with accompaniments
- Bread rolls/sandwiches with meat and salad fillings
Fuel and fluid during the game
Actual fuel and fluid needs during a game will be individual to the player, their game patterns and court-time. The fast paced nature of the game and enclosed court environments often mean high sweat rates for active players.
However, there are usually opportunities during time-outs, breaks on the bench or time between halves/quarters to regularly replace fluid losses. As at practices, individual drink bottles should be kept courtside to provide players with ready access to fluids and an opportunity to gauge how much they have consumed.
Even when it is not necessary to consume additional carbohydrate as a muscle fuel during the game, there is emerging evidence that regular intake of carbohydrates during shorter/high intensity sports stimulates the brain to feel energised. Although research hasn’t investigated the performance benefits of this tactic in a basketball scenario, it could help to sustain running and concentration over the duration of the game. This can be achieved by the choice of sports drink or cordial/Kool-Aid as the game fluid.
Post-Game Recovery
Optimal nutritional recovery involves the same processes as described in the section on training nutrition. These strategies may become particularly important during a tournament or a road trip when several games are to be played over a day or two.
Recovery snacks or a meal should be organised so that they can be eaten soon after the game according to practical issues such as travel times to the home base or team accommodation, and facilities at the game arena. This also often provides an opportunity for team eating to promote camaraderie or game analysis.
examples of recovery snacks | examples of recovery meals |
Eating “on the road” - Coping with travel
Travelling to games and tournaments calls for special eating skills. The challenges include disruption to normal eating routines, limited access to familiar foods, unpractised exposure to group eating and less suitable food choices, and the loss of normal supervision around eating.
It is also important to consider food/ water safety and the risk of getting sick on the road. The principles of travel nutrition start with preparation before the trip to plan and organise a suitable meal schedule and may include bringing supplies of important foods on the trip to supplement local fare.
Achieving an eating plan that meets nutrition goals instead of haphazard intake requires input at the team level as well as individual responsibility (see checklist).
Special strategies for coaches
- Plan for travel - try to find out what food is likely to be available, location of shops etc
- Educate players on food safety and good hygiene practices prior to departure
- Encourage athletes to plan snacks in advance to reduce the need to rely on roadside / airport stops
- Encourage optimal hydration by providing players with individual travel drink bottles
- Provide distraction and other activities to help reduce boredom eating
- Schedule regular meal and snack breaks around flights / road trips to limit disruption to eating patterns