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…open stance sprint to the 3 point line and get into defensive stance. “Rebounding Wing” Defender jumps to touch the ring (backboard or net, as appropriate) and: sprints to the half way, turns to face the basket (“safety” position) sprint to sideline, into denial stance; sprint back to the circle…

The key fundamental skills are: Balanced Stance Lateral Movement (“big to bigger”) Changing Direction Transition from lateral movement to sprint. Balanced Stance In basketball the same basic stance is used in offence and defence. The key is that the feet should be approximately shoulder-width apart, with knees bent. The…

The following guidelines will also help: Use a change of pace, or even stop and then start. A person moving at a constant pace is predictable and easy to guard; Use change of direction (particularly with change of pace) and step into or across their path; If you can…

Pass the Ball Ahead To effectively run the fast break, players must develop a mentality of passing the ball ahead to a player that is open. They must also develop the ability to throw the pass and this can be challenging for young players. Rather than throw the pass…

There are many situations that will occur during a game where the defence is outnumbered, for example: Defending in “transition” (whether after a turnover, score or a missed shot); After the defence has double teamed a player and the ball has been passed; After a defender has rotated to…

Before teaching the intricacies of an offensive system, players must be taught how to work together, including: Basic Floor Spacing; Ball Reversal Pass & Cut Pass, Cut & Replace Basic Motion Offence Introducing Post Players Basic Screening Principles Motion Offence with Screens Basic Fast Break Principles Press Offence Young…

“Back Cut” The defender may step in the path of the cutter so that they cannot go over the top of the screen. The cutter steps into their defender (as if cutting over the top of the screen) and then changes direction to “back cut” toward the basket….

“Flare Cut” If the defender moves under the screen, in order to beat the cutter to the “other side” of the screen, the cutter should move toward the screen and then move away from the screen, so that the screener is between them and their defender. The screener may…

…long passes (particularly with junior players that may not have sufficient strength to throw long passes).; Getting the ball back into play quickly when the opponent scores often means they do not have time to set their full court defence. Players should practice, grabbing the ball from the net, keeping…

“Curl Cut” If the defender stays below the screen (to stop a “back cut”) the cutter steps toward them and then cuts off the top of the screen. If the defender “locks” to the cutter to run behind them, the cutter curls to cut to the basket. As the…

Again, the defender of the cutter starts low, forcing the cutter to use the screen. The defender then goes on the other side of the screen, moving quickly to intercept the cutter. The defender of the screener has stepped into the screener, so that their team mate will cut…

The defender of the screener steps to the ball, creating a gap between them and the screener, which their team mate can move through. The defender of the cutter starts low, forcing the cutter to use the screen and then goes on the other side of the screen, moving…

In “switch” the two defenders swap responsibility for guarding the offensive players. This is most commonly used where the two offensive players are similar (e.g. a “guard to guard” screen or a “big to big” screen), although particularly late in the shot clock a team may switch all screens….

Initially, “Motion Offence”emphasizes the movement of players, with players needing to be able to play in all positions on the court. Moving the ball requires defenders to move significantly, often in a short period of time. As defenders are moving to a new position, this may create opportunities to…

Advantage / Disadvantage – 3×2 Another common advantage / disadvantage situation in fast break basketball is 3 offensive players against 2 defensive players. The goal of the offence is to get one of the defenders to commit to guarding the ball, and then passing the ball to a 2×1…

Screener Movement After the cut, the screener should also move. The general principle is “one high, one low”. So that if the cutter makes a straight cut, the screener would roll to the basket. Similarly, if the cutter made a curl cut, the screener would “pop” high….

Important principles for the fast break are: Starting the Break: Outlet Pass; Dribbling Out; Stealing the ball “Running wide lanes”; Passing the ball ahead; Advantage/Disadvantage – 2×1 Advantage/Disadvantage – 3×2 Moving into offence – “Be Quick but Don’t Hurry” Starting the Break There are a number of important aspects…

Advantage / Disadvantage – 2×1 A key aspect of fast break basketball is looking to create opportunities for the relatively easy score of a lay-up, hopefully without defence! However, fast break basketball can also create an opportunity of out-numbering the defence. They key to scoring in a 2×1 situation…

“The Split Line” The next defensive team concept that players must be taught is the “split line”, which is an imaginary line that runs down the middle of the court – from basket to basket. This is also called the “help line” and is an important concept when putting…

Practicing Fast Break Fundamentals “2×2 Fast Break” Rebounder outlets the ball to one of the offensive players who move to play 2×2. The players contest “up and back” and then new players join the activity. “1+2 on 2” The players on the first and second pass are closely guarded….

Retreat Dribble One of the most effective tools that an offensive player can use to beat any pressure is to use a retreat dribble (i.e. go backwards). This can give the dribbler space to see an open teammate. It also gives the player the opportunity to see the pass….

Defensive transition occurs when the other team get possession of the ball and move the ball quickly toward their basket without an opportunity for the defence to establish the defensive positions discussed earlier. There are three other principles for good defensive transition. Early Preparation – Defence Starts With a…

It is also important that players stay “within range” when developing jump shooting technique, although many players will immediately want to move out to the three point line! The advantage of a jump shot is that it enables an offensive player both to get additional strength in the shot…

“Moving on the Pass” A common mistake made by defenders of all ages is being slow to move in response to the offensive play, or not moving to the correct position. Every time the ball is passed, all defenders must move, even if only a subtle adjustment of position…

Stance – Denial or Open Players need to be instructed in the two types of stance that may be utilized in defence. A “denial” stance is where the defender’s back is to the ball and they are very actively stopping a pass being made to their opponent. A “floating”…

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