- 2.2.1 Motion offence - 3 out, 2 in - screen the screener
- 2.2.2 Motion Offence - 3 Out 2 In – multiple screens for the shooter
- 2.2.3 Motion offence - 3 out, 2 In - Double Screens
- 2.2.4 Motion offence - 3 Out, 2 In - Blind (Back) Screens
- 2.2.5 Motion offence - 3 Out, 2 In - Pick and Roll with Triangle on Help Side
- 2.2.6 Motion offence - 3 out, 2 in - cuts off high post screen
- 2.2.7 Motion offence - 3 out, 2 in - 1v1 isolation
- 2.2.8 Shot selection - importance of the corner 3
- Follow-up
- 3.2.1 Characteristics of long tournament play
- 3.2.2 Long tournaments - selecting the team
- 3.2.3 Long tournaments - preparing the team prior to tournament
- 3.2.4 Long tournaments - scouting
- 3.2.5 Long tournaments - keeping players fresh
- 3.2.6 Long tournaments - coaching staff
- 3.2.7 Long tournaments - organising the off-court
- Follow-up
Level 3
2.1.5 “Horns”
The “Horns” offence (sometimes called “A-Set”) has been used at both US College, NBA and Euro League levels by a number of teams. It is a relatively simple basic alignment, with two screens being set for the ball handler.
“Horns” starts with basic high pick and roll action. It can include various options for movement by both the screeners and perimeter shooters.